Wednesday 6 April 2011

My award title!!!!!

After meeting with rosemary I had a much clearer mind on my award title. Rosemary asked me what I would like to do after this course. I replied with "well... in the future I would like to go into schools full time." So to me this then clearly said my award title should be "The award I seek as a result of doing this programme is BA (Hons) Professional Practice (Dance Education).
I feel that this is the right title for me because, I have been dancing for many years now and have a B-tec in Dance I also attended a professional dance college, where I was taught by many teachers. Since graduating, I have worked professionally for 3yrs. I have now found a passion for teaching within the past year I have decided to focus on teaching. I now teach 5 days a week in main stream schools and private dance schools. In the future I would love to go into teaching GCSE dance or A-level or even B-TEC level dance. I fell that the title of Dance Education would help me to reach this goal. I have found a interest in learning theories and and teaching ideas/ theories. Which i feel all come under Dance education.

1 comment:

  1. Completely agree with all your comments and points of views. I feel in the same position and and opting for the same award title!
