Monday 2 May 2011


As I work in primary, secondary and private dance schools, I feel that these are some of the main work ethics that apply within dance education are;
  • Health and safety; Checking the area is clear and free from any hazards fire exits clear etc, making sure sure there is a first aider present on site, All students should be in correct dance attire (no jewelry, socks etc), all students should know the fire evacuation procedures. 
  • Legal and school requirements: CRB checks, National insurance, PPL license, Tax, up to date qualifications, Injury book in place.
  • Confidence: being confident in appearance, the way you address people, the way you teach and what you teach. 
  • Inclusive teaching: Age, gender, ability, disabilities and teaching for all learning styles
  • Appearance: As a teacher you should dress appropriately for each lesson look smart and clean, organised, appear confident in everything.  
  • Role model: Students look up to teachers, you are their guidance. If you trust your students then they will trust you. They could even come to you for advice or support. As a dance teacher you must listen and act when appropriate. 
  • Organisation: checking the music is appropriate for the that class, appropriate choreography, having a back up plan. This all comes under the planning for a lesson.
  • Team work: being able to work with other members of the school or company
  • Assessment: assessing the class and asking for help or guidance from another teacher when needed. 
Most of these come down to prior planning and organisation of the class. Providing quality tuition is key to a strong business or school. If a dance teacher doesn't believe in what they are teaching then why would the students. This is why confidence is key within dance education. 


1 comment:

  1. I forgot to write to say this is without reference to any documents or discussion.
